Welcome to Chameleon Designs!

I'm glad you're here! Whether you’re shopping for yourself or looking for a gift, I hope you’ll find something you love!

As you'll see, our artwork is a bit of an eclectic collection. We're a nerdy, Comic Con loving family, who also loves playing and watching sports (go Mariners!) When it comes to art, we draw inspiration from all of our favorite things.

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Lemon Mkowsky's

Here at Chameleon Designs, you'll also find a "sub-studio" called Lemon Mkowsky's. Our son, "Lukey Lemon", has loved art since he was just itty bitty. He is always drawing, coloring, painting, or sculpting something! Over the years, we've helped him turn his art into a business. Lemon Mkowsky's Art Studio is a place for him to share his creativity with the world.

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"I don't know how much value I have in this universe, but I do know that I've made a few people happier than they would have been without me, and as long as I know that, I'm as rich as I ever need to be." - Robin Williams